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[Japanese Only] [Event] Film Night “Signs From Nature” – What We Can Do Right Here and Now to Stop the Climate Crisis (Kamakura)


What can we do right now to halt the climate crisis?

In 2012, plans were put forward to build four coal-fired power plants on the coast of Tokyo Bay. However, in light of the negative influence of coal towards climate change, the “no coal” trend has gained speed and traction around the world. In Tokyo Bay too, the projects in the cities of Ichihara, Chiba, and Sodegaura were eventually dropped. Now, only the plan for the construction of a coal-fired power plant in Yokosuka by JERA (a joint venture of Tokyo Electric Power and Chubu Electric Power) remains. Preparations began in May. Then on the 27th of the same month, local residents initiated an administrative lawsuit appealing for the halt of the construction of this plant.

We are organizing a viewing of the film “Signs from Nature”, which was created by the international environmental NGO 350.org and illustrates the impact of climate change in Japan. Afterwards, we want to think about what we can do regarding Tokyo Bay’s only remaining coal-fired power plant construction project in Yokosuka.

This event is held only in Japanese.

タイトル <連日開催・鎌倉>フィルムナイト『Signs from nature』
日時 7/17(水)18:40〜20:10 ※閉店後に開催
場所 パタゴニア鎌倉ストア
  • JR 横須賀線/江ノ電 鎌倉駅:徒歩5分


プログラム 18:30             開場
18:40〜18:45 開始・開催趣旨
18:45〜19:05   上映
19:05〜19:20   映画解説・気候変動とは?
19:20〜19:50   今、私たちが出来ること
19:50〜20:05   質疑応答
20:10         終了
参加費 無料
お申込み こちらからお申込みください(定員40名)。
問い合わせ 横須賀火力発電所建設を考える会
TEL: 046-847-3253
主催 横須賀火力発電所建設を考える会